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Eland is the largest independent publisher of classic travel literature in the world. Despite this bold claim we are also a very modest business, and content to remain a cottage industry, occupying a small attic above a London street market. We are also happy to confess that we do not have the resources: emotional, editorial or financial to cope with live authors. Nor could we possibly compete with the large publishing corporations in the size of an advance or the dark arts of integrated marketing and intensive publicity campaigns. We simply reprint existing books that have fallen out of print and talk and listen to booksellers. Many of our titles were first brought to our attention by our customers, and so although Eland is determinedly independent, we seem to be evolving into a co-operative of passionate readers. To join this self-selected community, have a browse through our backlist and then sign up to our newsletter which comes out around six times a year. If you stumble across a great book that is out of print (especially one that you have not written) please share this with us. Send us an e-mail, or a letter, to Eland, 61 Exmouth Market, London EC1R 4QL


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